How to Become a Certified Welder
What welding certification do I need?
I am an individual
I am with a company
What Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) or code will be used to test?
I don't know
I am testing to AWS D 1.1
I am testing to AWS D 1.71
I am testing to ASME Section IX
I know which WPS or code but do not see it listed here
I would like to test at my own facility and I will provide my own test materials
I would like to test at one of Earlbeck's facilities in Baltimore, York, or Scranton.
Great! We offer certification testing at our Baltimore and Scranton locations starting at 8AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And at our York location testing starts at 8AM on Thursdays and Fridays.
You can schedule your own test via our online form by clicking here
Or give us a call at (410) 687-8400
If you're unsure of what WPS or code you need to test to, please prepare all relevant information you have about your testing needs and give us a call at (410) 687-8400 so we can figure it out together!
I would like to test at my own facility
I would like to test at one of Earlbeck's facilities in Baltimore, York, or Scranton.
I would like to test at my own facility and I will provide my own test materials
I would like to test at one of Earlbeck's facilities in Baltimore, York, or Scranton.
Great! We offer certification testing at our Baltimore and Scranton locations starting at 8AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays. And at our York location testing starts at 8AM on Thursdays and Fridays.
You can schedule your own test via our online form by clicking here
Or give us a call at (410) 687-8400
I will provide my own test materials.
I need to purchase a test materials kit.
Why are you interested in becoming certified?
I am starting my own business
A company told me I need to get certified
I am applying for jobs
There are over 200 codes between AWS and ASME, but the good news is that 2 tests cover about 90% of the industry’s needs:
AWS D1.1 Structural Steel Welding Certification: This certifies welders for jobs involving structural steel like I-beams or handrails.
ASME Section IX Pipe Welding Certification: This certifies welders for piping systems that carry fluids, such as high-pressure water or steam.
If neither of the above tests are suitable or you are still unsure, please prepare all relevant information you have about your testing needs and give us a call at (410) 687-8400 so we can figure it out together!
PRO TIP: Consider upgrading to an ATF test to be included in the American Welding Society’s National Registry of Welders, where potential employers can search to find certified welders in their area!
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*For best results, collect the following information about your certification needs before you start: welding process, base metal, filler metal, positions